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Client management

Bouwinvest aims for the highest level of transparency in its communications on the financial situation, strategy, plans and other information relevant to its existing and potential investors and other stakeholders. In addition to this Annual Report, the Management Company reports on a quarterly basis on the status of the Fund and organises quarterly conference calls to discuss the developments within the Fund with its shareholders. Furthermore, Bouwinvest organises General Meetings of Shareholders twice a year, together with Shareholders Committee meetings to discuss and approve the Fund plan and annual report. All information and documents related to the Fund are available for shareholders via the Bouwinvest Investor Portal.

In addition to the regular information outlined above, Bouwinvest organised a number of client activities in 2018, including road shows, property tours and one-on-one meetings with (potential) investors, plus we attended several high-profile real estate conferences to present the management organisation, its strategy and its vision on real estate to (potential) investors.

For further information on Bouwinvest’s investment opportunities, please visit the corporate website at You can also contact the Client Management department at or Karen Huizer, Director Client Management: +31 (0)20 677 1610.

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